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Solomon Kassa

Solomon Kassa

🗣Happy Belated Father’s Day to all of the great dad’s and others who seamlessly take up on that role (some part of the world celebrated father’s day this past weekend).
This awesome Dad loves and cares for his daughter like no other❤️…and is an author, a technology consulting manager for a fortune 500 company, a TV host, a public speaker, a 2016 @seed honoree award recipient and has million other hobbies on the side. Not sure 🤷🏽‍♀️where he finds time to do all of this but amaze and inspire many with his all-rounded, super dapper, technology enthusiast self. Meet Solomon Mulugeta Kassa and enjoy his take on entrepreneurship below👇

1. Describe your brand in one sentence?
SOL: A techie who helps individuals, businesses, organizations, and policy makers realize what it means to live in the digital age.💻
2. What was the turning point that switched your entrepreneurial dream into action?
SOL: Solely a sense of giving back.🔙🤝
3. What is your drive that keeps you going during tough times?
SOL: Tenacity and optimism.💪
4. If you have one piece of advise to someone just starting out, what would it be?
SOL: Stay away from complacency.🙇

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