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About Us

Launched in 2019, All Things Habesha is an independently owned platform that is designed to primarily celebrate, connect and inspire Habesha/African makers and excellence.

Our company proudly supports and facilitates an environment in which healthy collaboration and inspiration stems from.

Lastly, our creative team, that can relate to your everyday frustrations on the lack of easy access to information, is still working diligently to grow the functionality of this platform. We appreciate your patience and feedback that will help us better organize and structure information.

Let us embrace our differences, support and be kind to each other.

Why choose us

Because we collaborate with most of your favorite habesha makers and service providers.

Our Mission

1. To be the most customer centric company in the habesha and African community 2. To showcase the latest and greatest collection of habesha and African creations and innovations. 3. To be the number one platform that unites habesha and African entrepreneurs 4. To give back to the community by donating our time through #EthioTECHiesInHeels and #EthioLearns initiatives

Our Vision

Our Vision is to make the the biggest marketplace where individuals and organizations can better promote their gigs, services and profession.
