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Rahwa Haile

Rahwa Haile

“Inspiring Dreamers To Become Go-Getters” ~ is her sticky tag line that we all at AllThingsHabesha have learnt to  love️ and use as our daily inspiration. Meet Rahwa Haile (Rahwity), founder of the #DreaminColorsMedia.🎤

1. Describe your brand in one sentence?
RAHWITY: Focused on African Descents, Dream In Colors is a platform that seeks to Inspire Dreamers to Become Go-Getters. 🌍💪🏽
2. What was the turning point that switched your entrepreneurial dream into action?
RAHWITY: Sleepless nights. My calling wouldn’t let me rest. I was not in alignment with my calling and God wasn’t having it. Despite my career soaring high and everything going great, things felt chaotic, uncomfortable and painful for ‘no reason’. So when sleepless nights took over my life and the days became dreadful with loud whispers I could no longer burry, I HAD TO SURRENDER. Since then my greatest reward has been ‘Peace’. 🙏
3. What is your drive that keeps you going during tough times?
RAHWITY: I have three! #1. (Tying this to my answer to question #2) – I know why I started this and so I jumped to not look back. Now, I don’t have any other option but to keep going; especially if I want to have a peace of mind!  #2. Because I have surrendered to what is of God’s, the doors that are opening for me through Him are just one I had never ever imagined. Yes I do work very very very hard, but hard work alone will not get me close to what I was able to accomplish and those I was able to serve in such a short period of time. I wouldn’t want to live my life any other way. #3. My husband is my biggest cheerleader (you’ve seen that!) and my family/Friends too. They remind me what I am capable to do in times I need it. Forever grateful for that. 🙌
4. If you have one piece of advise to someone just starting out, what would it be?
RAHWITY: Here is a paragraph from one of the first blog articles I had written on @dreamincolorsmedia website –

“Wherever you may be in life, please know that you deserve to be on the side where baby 👣 can grow to greater impacts. God trusted that you will see your life through by being in alignment with the grand purpose He has for you. In the end, your life’s worth is shown in your life’s work. Make it mean something to YOU. Because if you are honored by it, believe me, the rest of the world will too. START taking action!”

To read the full blog and explore more all things inspiration- go to
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