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Pastry Chef Mimi

1. Describe your brand in one sentence?
Mimi: Pastry from the heart🍰❤
2. What was the turning point that switched your entrepreneurial dream into reality?
Mimi: As a child, I grow up eating freshly baked pastries at home or from a local pastry shop. However, I noticed that the culture has changed to where nowadays, we buy our baked goods pre-packed from a grocery store with a shelf-life printed on it. The desire to provide delicious pastries that are baked fresh is the turning point for me.👩🏽‍🍳🥧🍪
3. What is your drive that keeps you going during tough times?
Mimi: The love and support of my family is the drive that keeps me going even in tough times.🤗😍
4. If you have one piece of advise to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Mimi: Stay focused on your end goal.✍🏽 It takes time to see the fruit of your hard work, so don’t give up so easily. Don’t try to take too many task at the get go & be willing to change as needed without giving up your primary intention.👣

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