Yene Damtew
This week’s big ups goes to Yene Damtew, hairstylist + salon owner of #AestheticsSalonDC and former
First lady Michelle Obama’s hair stylist.
Thank you for making our #foreverfirstlady ‘s hair always on point.🖤
Enjoy Yene’s take on entrepreneurship below:
1. Describe your brand in one sentence?
YENE: it’s Luxury educational hair salon for all women regardless of their economic position.

2. What was the turning point that switched your entrepreneurial dream into action?
YENE: The turning point was when I believed In Myself more. When I stopped seeking the validation of others on my craft.

3. What is your drive that keeps you going during tough times?
YENE: I’ve made it this far and the sky is the limit. This wasn’t in my plan for life do keep believing and working hard. Slow and steady always wins the race and sets you up for longevity.

4. If you have one piece of advise to someone just starting out, what would it be?
YENE: Mixed that into my last answer but doing so because it’s trending or cool is different than doing something with passion. It shows In YOUR work ethic and product. Never stay complacent and always educate yourself for what’s ahead.