1. Describe your brand in one sentence?
HelazBeauty: Created out of a passion for problem solving. 

2. What was the turning point that switched your entrepreneurial dream into action?
HelazBeauty: I always wanted to create a business that will be based on solving a social problem or challenges in Ethiopia. The moment I decided to quit my six figure IT job in z USA to start my own company and start a journey towards building something great!

3. What is your drive that keeps you going during tough times?
HelazBeauty: My passion and commitment to make a difference and create great things.✍🏽🧐
4. If you have one piece of advise to someone just starting out, what would it be?
HelazBeauty: There is no better time than today to start doing what you love and is passionate about. Persistence is the key and always add more value.